Laptop lockups

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Wed Mar 11 05:32:06 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Bart Silverstrim
<bsilver at> wrote:
> I have a friend that is running 8.04 on a Dell Precision M2300. He tried
> using 8.10 on it, but said that it would lock up tight at random time
> intervals. He said the logs were empty of errors from the time of the
> freezes, pointer locked, keyboard, etc...nothing responded. Not even
> connecting remotely from another system into the laptop would work, so
> even the network stack stopped responding.
> He reverted to 8.04 and said it's okay with him because it works fine
> for his needs, but did anyone else run into behavior like this in moving
> 8.04 to 8.10?

In my case, it was 8.04 that locks up randomly like that. I suspect it
compiz related.
But, in 8.10 things are fairly fine (occasionally locks up only,
screensaver related).

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