2.6.26 kernel in hardy?
Ray Parrish
crp at cmc.net
Mon Mar 2 02:06:31 UTC 2009
H.S. wrote:
> Hi,
> Is 2.6.26 kernel included in Hardy? I tried installing this version but
> looks like it is not in the repos, or I am missing something.
> If this kernel is not in Hardy, how do I go about getting it as a Ubuntu
> package?
> Thanks.
That very subject was recently discussed on this list, and I just
happened to save the message for reference. I'm adding the content of
the solution to this post as a quote, and hoping that the original
poster of this information doesn't mind my quoting him, that person
being "H.S." <hs.samix at gmail.com> who I am hereby crediting with this
information. Note that it applies to the 2.6.27 kernel not the 2.6.26
kernel, but I'm sure the same method should work for either.
Later, Ray Parrish
> 1. Added intrepid repo to the sources.list of my Hardy machine by
> appending the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid main restricted
> 2. Made a file /etc/apt/preferences whose contents are:
> #############################################################
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=hardy
> Pin-Priority: 500
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=hardy-updates
> Pin-Priority: 600
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=hardy-backports
> Pin-Priority: 700
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=hardy-proposed
> Pin-Priority: 800
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=hardy-security
> Pin-Priority: 900
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=intrepid
> Pin-Priority: -1
> Package: linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic
> Pin: release a=intrepid
> Pin-Priority: 1000
> #############################################################
> Next, I installed the kernel package I wanted from Intrepid using the
> following command:
> ~$ sudo aptitude install linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic/intrepid
> This installed the specified package, no other package had to pulled in
> from Intrepid.
> Rebooted into the new kernel and everything went well. The following
> references were most helpful in doing this:
> http://aldeby.org/blog/index.php/mixing-hardy-stable-and-intrepid-testing-repositories.html
> http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html
> http://wiki.debian.org/AptPinning
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