3 questions

Tony Baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 12:43:01 UTC 2009

Brummelen, M. van (ICT) wrote:
> Hi,
> To recover your vista password, try http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/

Can't you just boot vista to recovery mode and change the password?
I haven't ever used Vista, and have very, very little experience with 
XP, even, but that always worked with earlier versions of windows, and,
iirc, also xp.

My wife had a WinME machine laying around with photos on it she wanted, 
and couldn't remember the password for the machine.
I accessed the data on the disk with an ubuntu livecd, backed it up to 
my external usb hdd, all without a password, then reformatted and 
installed ubuntu for her.
I routinely accessed her xp machine disk in the same manner to remove
harmful files her AV software couldn't get, too.
I was always fixing those darned things...eventually just installed 
Ubuntu on all of them.
Would you believe, after fixing her computers for her, installing a 
better OS and everything, the ungrateful woman abandoned me?  No 
gratitude these days...
Now she has a Vista laptop, and, would you believe, still calls me for 
support when stuff breaks on the darned thing...
I tell her she's on her own, now.  She should have stuck with linux.
I need to find a linux-geek woman.


free/open source software
tcl yer os with a feather...

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