Printing from VM

Tim Frost timfrost at
Wed Jun 17 08:08:32 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 12:36 -0500, Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 7:34 AM, alan duval<amoht at> wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> > Sorry for sending this to you direct but I posted this answer to your query
> > in the ubuntu-users digest and no one else has commented.
> No problem.
> > On checking I don't have Samba installed. Is it required for VirtualBox to
> > access the printer?
> I'm not sure - my VM is XP, so it is required for my setup.  I would
> assume that a linux host would default something like IPP, but again
> I'm not sure. (telnet localhost 631?)

By default, the IPP server only listens on the loopback address:
tim at zaphod:~$ netstat -nta | grep 631
tcp        0      0 *
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*

On the other hand, if the printer is connected to the host running
VirtualBox, it may be possible to configure VirtualBox to make the host
printer available to the guest. (I don't run VirtualBox, so can't advise
on how to do this).

I run VMware workstation 6.5, and have a USB HP deskjet printer.  When I
set up a new guest VM, I ensure that a (virtual) USB hub/controller is
defined for the guest, and can then connect the USB devices to the VM.
This depends on the virtual hardware version of the VM being new enough:
I have one VM that is defined as 'VMware workstation 5.x/ESX 3.x
compatible', which does not support a virtual USB controller.
A second VM (runnng Windows XP) has been upgraded to 'VMware workstation
6', which supports a virtual USB controller, so the guest happily
detects the printer as soon as it is connected to the VM. 
> My internet access is down - I'm actually downtown right now just so I
> can get online - so it may be some time before I can really be of much
> help.  It seems our whole neighborhood is having access problems.
> Anyway - it would not hurt to try installing samba, rebooting, and
> then seeing if your VM picks up the printer(s).  If not, just
> uninstall samba - no harm done.
> I'm going to CC this back to the list - maybe someone can help you further.
> Chris

Hope this is of some assistance


Tim Frost <timfrost at>

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