'most users with cable modem can host a site'

Piper pay_the_piper at shaw.ca
Fri Jun 12 15:48:02 UTC 2009

I am not a wannabe mail administrator. I am already an MA when I use the 
Windows Express Adddress Book to create lists under various names. I only 
want email SW like Express to handle a few more features and I do not think 
it is unreasonable to request them. I asked on this list if existing SW, eg 
"Evolution" or "Mailman" had these features.

I am not trying to "get away with running a forum". I am not trying to "get 
away with" anything. I am being completely open and honest about a perfectly 
reasonable request re email SW.

With WEAB I can set up a mail list called ABC with 50 people on it and then 
administer the ABC list. I can set up a lot of other lists like this and 
administer them too .... as I do. My ISP has never objected. There is no 
reason to. There is also no reason they would object if I had the enhanced 
SW I request. Shaw has a cap on the amount of "stuff" which is allowed in a 
mailbox and that is all they need.

There are a couple of immediate problems with WEAB SW. (1) It does not allow 
people to sub/unsub via autoresponder or forward postings to all subscribers 
by autoresponder; (2) It does not allow access to an archive. I downloaded 
SW called "Mail List King" to see if it would solve these problems and it 
did not, otherwise I would have purchased it.

I will add (3) which may be somewhat idiosyncratic on my part, ie I would 
like to be able to scan in images to the archive or some location on my PC 
which is accessible to all subscribers 24/7. That is why I posted the thread 
"SW to create a web site". In effect you have a web site if you can put up 
text and images available to all 24/7.

This is not an excessive request for email SW features. I posted this 
material politely to see if there is existing SW which "has what it takes". 
I did not post it to be subjected to mean spirited if not vicious replies. I 
do not have time to discuss the particulars of postings meeting these 
criteria. The people responsible can self-examine and they know the spirit 
of their remarks. I will say that there are medical psychologists available 
who charge about as much per hour as computer experts so quid pro quo the 
psychotherapy might have a happy resolution.

The SW features of (1) for example might entail recognizing some subject 
line commands like "subscribe ABC" or "unsubscribe ABC". or <ABC> as a 
command to redirect the posting to all subscribers. That is all it takes to 
address concerns  in (1) above.

One of our machines here has .NET installed so we could write and compile a 
C program to respond to these commands.

How difficult would it then be to link that piece of SW to Ubuntu's emailer?

BTW others commented in this thread with respect to the advantages of using 
a commercial host to handle spam and virus attacks etc. The (3) features do 
not make one bit of difference to how an ISP goes about its business in this 
respect or how spam and AV SW operates.

If existing commercial hosts were functioning as well as they did a few 
years ago I would not even be subscribed here to present this problem. I 
have ZERO wish to be an ISP and compete with Shaw, Telus or Rogers. The idea 
of it is a marketing absurdity. My time is well occupied otherwise.. I 
posted earlier the nature of those problems on Yahoo/Geocities with a 
particular reference to the MIT- list and failure of Yahoo to deal with 

 I see no reason to expect that any other commercial server would be any 

The remedy IMO is to have better email SW carried on your own computer. I 
presented this problem politely and repectfully.
I would like to continue discussion in this spirit and in the spirit of 
providing better "opencourseware". Those unable to communicate this way need 
help with their mental illness but this is not the place for that help.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu)" <amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: 'most users with cable modem can host a site'

> On Thu, June 11, 2009 16:47, Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
> *snip*
>> Let me add to what Amedee has already posted.
>> Even if there are no restrictions imposed, there is the question of
>> whether you have what it takes.
> *snip*
>> You absolutely have no idea of the technical details required to run a
>> site of any sort. At this point, you are just a mail adminstrator wannabe
>> and should you be let loose, you will most probably very quickly get your
>> site listed on blacklists, generate complaints from others to your ISP
>> and
>> contribute to the global spam problem. You might get away with running a
>> forum though so long as you have no mta software installed and if you can
>> keep your box from being rooted. Good luck with a dynamic dns setup.
> Harsh but true.
> We have a saying in Dutch: "zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden"
> which translates to "soft surgeons make putrid wounds".
> I think that the saying speaks for itself.
> -- 
> Amedee
> -- 
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