A problem setting up Ubuntu - reply to Fred Roller

Fred Roller froller at tnclimited.com
Thu Jun 11 03:32:11 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-06-11 at 02:45 +0000, valhalla2100 at comcast.net wrote: 
> Hello Fred,
> I think that I created a new partition.  I can do the "use the entire
> disk since I have no applications or files set up on the computer.
> Maybe some e/m in VISTA but I am willing to lose them.  I am 
> willing to have the computer a LINUX device with a sub Windows
> partition.  
> I am going to have to download files that will be used on my
> main computer that has Windows apps.  I will need to be able to
> download Windows files and it will be good to have an up to date
> virus protection (NOT Mcafee which did not protect me before)
> for Windows type files that I download.
> Thomas
> A friend told me that the reason I see only the first, older version,
> is because my boot up is done by the Windows boot manager.
> I need to figure out how to get rid of that.  He suggest using
> GRUB (????).
> Thomas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fred Roller" <froller at tnclimited.com>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 1:50:08 PM GMT +00:00 Monrovia
> Subject: Re: A problem setting up Ubuntu
> On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 10:21 +0000, valhalla2100 at comcast.net wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am having trouble re-installing Ubuntu.  There is an installation 
> > from over a year ago.  I did not use it for a while and forgot the
> > password.  
> > 
> > Can someone give me information on how I can get rid of the old
> > copy of Ubuntu (and maybe all that I installed since then)?
> > 
> > I see that there is a version 9.xx.  Have not been able to read any
> > postings on it.  Should I use that instead of version 8.10?  It
> might
> > not matter since I don't see any advantages of using Vista instead
> > of XP.  I just want to be able to use applications and access the
> > internet.
> > 
> > Someone told me to do a new install.  I have done this a few times
> > and after the intallation and restart I get only the original listed
> > on
> > the selection screen (and Windows Vista, which I am trying to get
> > away from using).
> > 
> > I was sort of forced to make the switch because the Comcast 
> > provided version of McAfee did not block a trojan, which hosed up
> > my other computer (learned several years ago to have a computer
> > specifically for internet access because of such problems).  I am
> > sure that it was some trojan because two neighbors and a sales
> > person told me that their computers stopped working around two
> > weeks ago.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
> > 
> > Thomas 
> > 
> It sounds like when you did a fresh install it simple used available
> space.  Ubuntu is safe about not wiping existing sytems.  During
> install
> the partition editor will ask if you want to use the available space.
> IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SAVE ANYTHING then change this to "Use entire
> disk".  This should completely start you off from scratch.
> If you are looking for salvaging data and saving the system the follow
> Alexandra's post on recovering the password.  Hope this helps, good
> luck.
> -- 
> Fred R.
> www.fwrgallery.com
  If you are interested in building a dual boot system here is a how to
for XP and Feisty.  The process should be mostly the same for current

  Honestly, I have never built a dual boot system.  (If others have
better advice let Thomas know.)  Normally I will build an Ubuntu system
and then do an XP system with virtual-box (Virtualization Software).  My
logic is that with virtual-box I can clone the XP machine and when the
XP system is compromised I can recover easily.
  Hope this helps.

Fred R.

"Life is like Linux, simple.  If you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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