CD\DVD-RW Writting Problem (Newbee)

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jun 11 02:13:56 UTC 2009

On 06/10/2009 03:14 AM, Chris Taylor wrote:
> HI can anyone help me please I'm new to linux please be very simple in 
> answers 
> I have just upgrade to  "Ubuntu 9.04 - the Jaunty Jackalope - released in 
> April 2009."
> I have K3B Brasero Disk Burner installed but I can't write to the CD/DVD-
> RW. I believe it is a permission setting but but know where to find to 
> fix 
> Please if you would be so kind to help 

Try (using a terminal - Applications|Accessories|Terminal:

$ sudo k3b

You will get errors to the effect:

Running K3b as root user
It is not recommended to run K3b under the root user account. This
introduces unnecessary security risks.
Solution: Run K3b from a proper user account and setup the device and
external tool permissions appropriately.

and terminal errors. But given the issues listed in

it's worth a try.

This might also be of interest:

Try a different speed, and/or media, update the firmware?

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