Chrome on Ubuntu: Install it now, show interest in promoting companies to write Linux software!

marc gmane at
Wed Jun 10 16:54:22 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton said:

> marc wrote:
>> Brian said:
>>> Orders of magnitude faster?
>> Yup, on Linux.
>>> That's blatant fanboyism.
>> Nope.
> Do you actually _know_ what an order of magnitude is?

I hope so, I'm a maths dude after all.

> It's not just a
> figure of speech, it's a mathematical term, and while i haven't tried
> Google Chrome, and I _do_ find Firefox annoyingly slow, I find it hard
> to believe that Chrome can be an order of magnitude faster.

Clearly, I haven't written any tests (nor provided results!), but chrome 
loads pretty much instantaneously here, while firefox takes quite a while 
- but has a bunch of plug-ins to deal with, in mitigation.

Thereafter, firefox really bogs down when opening multiple pages 
simultaneously - I do this a lot, say, when catching up with newsfox. In 
his case, it's normal for cpu to hit 75%+, the fans to kick in, and for 
the app to be completely unresponsive.

In addition, I use mouse gestures almost exclusively to control firefox. 
This is unproblematic in Windows, but is hit and miss with Ubuntu. It's 
hopeless when a page is loading, particularly when javascript is being 

Chrome doesn't have mouse gestures - shame! - but handles multiple page 
loading without a hiccup. It also has a better behaved, but slightly less 
functional, javascript handling, ime.

So, subjectively, it feels at least an order of magnitude, let's say, 
more responsive.


"Change requires small steps."

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