Ubuntu 199 certification training

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 9 21:08:31 UTC 2009

On 06/08/2009 10:37 PM, Damien Hull wrote:
> I'm looking for a book or on-line training for the 199 exam. the only
> thing I've found so far is the following. 
> http://ubuntu.savoirfairelinux.com/eubuntu2.html
> Does this cover the current 199 exam that was released in May? Are
> there any books for the new exam?

You might ask one of the training contacts:

Other links that may be helpful:
[doesn't appear that the UCP is yet available online]
[Ubuntu Training Partners will offer classroom-based training for this
course from May 2009, the company said. An e-learning version of the
course will also be available from June.]

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