phantom connections

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Fri Jun 5 23:09:13 UTC 2009

Firestarter constantly shows 4 active connections on ports 60881, 9100, 
56158, and 32841. Also every time I connect the Bit Torrent Transmission 
client starts. Network activity up is 0.1 Kb/s max so I don't think
anything much is being broadcast, but it drives me nuts that Firestarter
always shows these connections. I have outbound traffic on all of these 
ports blocked

Any ideas about what is going on? Also how can I stop the Bit Torrent 
client from starting on connection?

Bob Holtzman
AF9D 8760 0CFA F95A 6C77  E125 BF90 580F 8D54 9279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer"

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