GeForce 6100

Victor Padro vpadro at
Fri Jun 5 18:33:15 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Willis Taylor <th1bill at>wrote:

> I purchased a new Motherboard/Processor Combo for my daughter and I need
> help if anyone can please.  The specs are;
> Motherboard......BioStar MCP6P M2+
> RAM..............4 gb DDR2
> Processor........AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Socket AM2
> The mainboard has nVida 6100 nForce 430 rev a2) for VGA compatable
> controller.  With a fresh install, 8.04, I have a Screen Resolution of
> 800 x 600.  If I go System>Administration>Hardware Drivers I find the
> NVIDA accelerated graphics driver listed but not enabled.
> When I enable the driver and reboot the best Screen Resolution I have is
> 640 x 480.  I really need to get to at least 1024 x 768 for the work she
> does.  The following is quoted from a gentleman in Australia who had the
> same problem but I do not understand his solution and he has gone to
> bed;
> Hi Bill,
> The way that I solved this problem was to uninstall the nvidia kernel
> modules (I don't have Ubuntu infront of me right now, so I can't give
> full instructions), but it was the full package manager, or something
> like that. I did a search in it for everything with 'nvidia' in its
> name, and removed all those packages. And I downloaded the nvidia kernel
> modules (from memory it was from the nvidia website). After uninstalling
> the modules, rebooting, and then installing the new nvidia kernel
> modules (you had to do some tricks like ctrl + F7 or something to get it
> to do a full screen prompt), I had it mostly working. After that I had
> to sudo into the nvidia contorl panel and make the changes to the
> resolution as default (if you don't sudo into it, it won't save the
> changes for the default). It was all a bit of a headache, but when I
> upgraded Ubuntu I had to do it again, but atleast this time I knew what
> I was doing :)
> Just a few quick things:
> -feel free to post the description above on the forums (just don't post
> my email address!), might help other people, and if you need anything
> explained to you, other forum users might be able to decode my
> description to give you more help
> -My windows machine died, so I'm switching harddrives when I use it to
> program, but I can only use one comp at a time, thus the kind of
> simplistic descriptions
> -I'm going to bed now, it's nearly midnight in Sydney. But email back if
> you've got any problems, or post (and maybe include my description) on
> the forums!
> Can anyone help with this?  I'm on my third day of reading documentation
> and I'm as lost as when I began.
> --
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do this in console:
#sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
and restart.

"It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion."

"Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
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