Concerns regarding Ubuntu 9.04

marc gmane at
Thu Jun 4 17:23:44 UTC 2009

Amichai Rotman said:

Please switch off HTML.

I'm a long time kde user who has switched to gnome due to the kde4/9.04 

I disliked gnome intensely, I still dislike the gnome registry - a 
triumph of conservative control-freakery over imagination and common 
sense, but I digress - so it wasn't an obvious choice, and I tried quite 
a few others before settling on gnome.

The fact is that despite its very obvious shortcomings, gnome, with 
judicious use of compiz (see compizconfig-settings-manager), offers very 
similar control to kde.

The clincher for me, though, is gnome do. This application pours salt on 
kde4's wounds, and offers control far beyond what kde is currently 

Another nice touch is a package to revert the horrible new notification 

I can't vouch for your hardware, but I have far less issues in gnome; for 
one, bluetooth works for me; it just crashes all the time in kde.

I agree with you about kcontrol, but I think that sums up where the kde 
folk lost the plot. Perhaps they'll find it again.

In the meantime, just install gnome-desktop - no need to reinstall - and 
hold your nose. Once you get into it, you might find you like it. It sure 
beats thumping your head against the wall day after day with kde4. And 
you can keep using all your favourite kde apps too, I do.


"Change requires small steps."

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