
Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Tue Jun 2 14:44:45 UTC 2009

Michael.Coll-Barth at wrote:
>> From: Karl F. Larsen
>>     Then if the test looks good go to System-Administration-Partition 
>> maker and run that and actually make a new partition for 
>> Ubuntu, about 
>> 20 GB and a Swap Partition of 3 GB.
> Two questions;
> 1) Shouldn't the swap size be twice the memory, or some such multiple?
> And, I don't think the swap can be too big.  In other words, if I have
> 1GB of memory
most of the time you will not use any swap space. But sometimes it will 
be needed. So in theory a 1gb swap partition is enough.

>  and create a swap size of 8GB, shouldn't I be good with
> RAM upgrades through 4GB?  Are there issues other than wasted space?
> 2) Aren't swap files the recommended approach these days?
    Good lord! Where have you been? Linux has always used a "Swap 
Partition" and still does.

73 Karl

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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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