Partitioning Disk

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Jul 30 22:47:10 UTC 2009

2009/7/30 Fred Roller <froller at>:

> Everyone has there own logic.  M$ is dress-right-dress and predictable,
> which is a security risk to me.  That aside my partitions work from the
> inside to outside (swap, /, temp, Isolibrary) for performance.  My
> critical /Data is on a diff hdd, this is to reduce the read/write of the
> OS and data files from fighting for time from the hdd heads.  Numerous
> other nit pick reasons why.  As we point out, works for me, increases my
> performance, efficiency on rebuilds, and was no more than an example for
> Terry.
> ;)

I do apologise for the accidental mv operation there!

Well, I always keep swap on a separate spindle, for that reason - less
contention for disk bandwidth - and /home too if I have enough disks!

Liam Proven • Profile:
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