managing responses from message digest format of list

Michael DeBari michaeldebari at
Thu Jul 30 14:02:49 UTC 2009

> Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:49:12 +0300
> From: "Shahar Dag" <dag at>
> Subject: Re: Why is Synaptic version of Subversion not upgradeable?...
>        and a   question on forum mail handling
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,     not for general discussions"
>        <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <4C005B9065BE42E385885D5FF4F2413B at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Michael
> If you are working with Eclipse you can install an SVN client in Eclipse
> Shahar
>  Such a gentle rant is surely justified. I'm two weeks new to Ubuntu
> (Ubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex) and I just got Eclipse 3.4.1 up and running
> with the awesome help of this forum and PPA repo (OK, and a few other
> sources) despite the vanilla Ubuntu package only being 3.2. Subversion is
> next in line since I need SCC for my development as well. Beats the hell out
> of trying to get help in the MS world.
>  Now for a question...I have the message digest form of this list delivered
> to my gmail. Any nifty method for replying to specific posts without cutting
> and pasting each time?


Thank you. Yes I am installing that...I need the server side as well, which
Synaptics reports as being 1.5.1 on Intrepid, so I am all set on that.

Any hints on the email question?
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