PDFs: overriding "You cannot save data typed into this form"?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 20:01:24 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Adam Funk<a24061 at ducksburg.com> wrote:

> I've had pdfcrack running (in the default mode) on another machine for
> several hours now.  Wish me luck.
> I tried it with the -w /etc/dictionaries-common/words option: it
> finished very quickly with failure.  Does that just try each word in
> the file, but not concatenations of them?

I don't remember for sure, but that sounds right.  pdfcrack uses brute
force, so it can be quite time consuming - as I mentioned before, I
usually do a run of digits only first, then one run with digits and
the characters present in the filename.  If the password is
alphanumeric, the decryption will take quite some time if the password
is over 4 chars long, so then it's a toss-up: go ahead and do one
last, long run with all chars or take a chance that it's alphanumeric.

At least you have a spare machine ;)

Good Luck!

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