PDFs: overriding "You cannot save data typed into this form"?

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Wed Jul 29 19:35:15 UTC 2009

On 2009-07-28, Chris Mohler wrote:

> OK - how about (untested):
> pdftk input.pdf allow FillIn output output.pdf


pdftk input.pdf output output.pdf allow FillIn


> However, if it's password-protected I doubt that will work.  In that
> case pdfcrack is your friend ;)  I always start with digits first -
> you'd be surprised at how many times the pw is just numbers or else
> part of the filename... (and no, I'm not doing anything nefarious -
> folks often want me to edit or modify a document/logo, but they no
> longer have the source doc - just the PDF, which was locked by the
> original designer)

...it will end up like this:

pdftk input.pdf input_pw SOMETHING output output.pdf allow FillIn

I've had pdfcrack running (in the default mode) on another machine for
several hours now.  Wish me luck.

I tried it with the -w /etc/dictionaries-common/words option: it
finished very quickly with failure.  Does that just try each word in
the file, but not concatenations of them?

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