Which CPU to use with UBUNTU

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 13:55:13 UTC 2009

2009/7/29 Don Jungk <multi at flippingdades.com>:
> On Tuesday July 28 2009 7:26 pm, Steven Susbauer wrote:
>> All "newer" AMD and Intel CPUs should work very well, even a bit
>> older. The architecture is supported, it doesn't depend on the
>> specific model. If you plan on a lot of ram you might get a 64 bit CPU
>> which Ubuntu AMD64 build can use (this also runs on 64 bit Intel).
> Hi Steven,
> I hadn't thought of the 64 bit issue. I will have either 3GB or 4GB of RAM
> because I use REALBasic, which uses a lot.

If you want >3GB with an x86 PC, you really need a 64-bit processor.

If you want power, then consider:
moderate: Intel Core 2 Duo
more: Intel Core 2 Quad
best, but expensive: Intel Core i7

If you want to keep the cost down, then AMD do some quite reasonable
chips. The Sempron 1200 series are very cheap & still 64-bit capable
and the Athlon 64 X2 range offer inexpensive dual-cores.

Once you get to the point of spending as much as a Core2 would cost,
though, Intel gives better performance.

Don't forget, when comparing pricing, to compare the cost of the CPU +
motherboard + RAM. No point in buying a £25 CPU that needs £200 of
motherboard and memory.

I recommend *avoiding* Intel Celeron, Intel Pentium and any other
Intel chips /not/ badged Core2 or better. The Celerons and Pentiums
are crippled Core 2s, with half or more of their onboard level 2 cache
turned off. This dramatically reduces their performance. Yes, they're
cheap, but you're paying for a product which often cost as much to
make as the more expensive, faster versions but was deliberately
hobbled to capture a lower price point. This strikes me as unfair
business practise and I won't touch them myself.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at gmail.com
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