How to shutdown on app close

Chris Jones jonesc at
Mon Jul 27 08:44:46 UTC 2009

> Cheers, but I don't want to restrict their access - I just don't want
> to have to teach them to shut down from GNOME.
> And I wouldn't wish KDE on anyone any more, I'm afraid. :¬) Not since
> v1, anyway...

Ok. Officially confused. You said "will run a single full-screen app,
all the time, and nothing else" - Not sure what your definition of 
'restrict their access' is, but that sounds pretty restrictive to me ;)

( Also, under these circumstances I don't see how the underlying WM 
makes any difference, as they are never going to see it ... )

Up to you of course, but the hack to allow sudo access without a 
password, as suggested elsewhere in this thread, sounds downright 
dangerous to me....


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