OT: Re: Just one thing to say ...... not "plastic" ...... "reflector"

cidomreg cidomreg at yahoo.ca
Mon Jul 27 05:59:16 UTC 2009

Piper wrote:
> But Guru Raquel, this grasshopper asked the right questions and has spent
> many hours asking them.
> Time is money, eh?

Apparently, your time is cheap.

> When I go to the garage and explain my motoring problem, I always get an
> answer. It may cost a lot of money but I ALWAYS get an answer. Where is my
> answer?

Given to you repeatedly by many people but you refuse to listen because you're "just a lay person". By the way, no one owes an answer. That someone hasn't already told you that you're an idiot is testament to their patience and kindness. Yet, you still abuse both.

> Maybe the puter garage can only deal with one problem at a time. I presented
> TWO. Is that mentally too taxing for gurus who deal in binary language?
> Not all deserved to graduate from monism school to dualism school. Whoa ....
> what if there is more than TWO numbers in the cosmos? "Does not compute, 
> does not
> compute .........."

I'm always amused by people who try to sound sophisticated by throwing around esoteric concepts but can't even manage to get pluralization correct. Here is a hint. One uses "are" for more than one of something.

> Guru _________ stated that "thousands" of lines of code would be required to
> solve those two great cosmological yet technical problems which I presented.
> One cosmo-technological step at a time.
> ******
> Ergo, how many lines of code will it take to upgrade Evolution so that it
> will carry a reflector expression in the subject line? eg anyone replying to
> the ABC list in our address book might send a message with ABC between <> or 
> ** or $$ in the
> subject line and as a result all in my Evolution address book will get the
> response?

I can do that in.... 42 lines of code. And that's my final offer.

> How much is that worth? Since one of our puters is a mini-pc with Linux I 
> can send it anywhere
> on the planet by postal mail. Make me an offer I can't refuse.

You, sir, are an idiot.

> Let us say I pay for code, line by line (vs. "pray" for code as in "icon" a 
> common English religious word usurped by pretentious technopriests).

Oh, look. A pretentious word geek!

> What are the bids?

A million dollars! (Said like Austin Powers.)

> You know the old song:
> "I've got the money, honey;
> have you got the time ....."

You know the old song "This is the Song That Never Ends..."? "This is the Thread That Never Ends...". Die, thread, die!

> Piper
> The Grasshopper

"No, dammit! I want something like Express list server on Linux installed at the puter garage. Why is it so hard for you people to turn a sandwich into a car?"

I am amazed at how much time has been wasted by various people trying to help you out. You're either being obstinate, trolling, not listening, so paranoid that you think the whole world is out to censor your political blatherings, or you're a moron (more likely AND a moron, to be logically correct). Now you're here basically insulting the people who've kindly given their time to you. I'll type slowly so you can keep up... you've been given free solutions already but you're just not listening! If you're genuine, the phrase "more money than sense" was coined for people like you. You spent more on purchasing a system and getting not one but two "puter garages" to screw with your system in the vain hope that you can singlehandedly change the way list servers work than you would have for five years of hosting.

Your time can't be worth very much if you think it's "cheaper" to spend hours sending your brain farts to this list than just getting a hosting account for $10 a month somewhere. Oh right - I forgot. You can't trust anyone! The Chinese government, the NSA, the CIA, CSIS, the Illuminati, and the Bilderbergers are all out to silence you because you're such a brilliant guy who represents a threat to their very existence! Hey genius... you ever consider that if these organizations that supposedly silenced you on Yahoo had that kind of power, they might be able to figure out a way to do that even if you had a "private list server"?

Maybe we should all be sending "thank you" cards to the people who supposedly silenced you. I wish they would do it here.

Oh, did I mention you're an idiot?

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