Capturing boot up messages to text file.

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Jul 24 19:47:58 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:

> Brian McKee wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Ray Parrish<crp at> wrote:
>>> I am trying to capture the boot up messqges from debug to  a text file,
>>> but my attempt at redirection did not work. Here is what I tried -
>> At the risk of stating the obvious - what you need isn't in  `sudo dmesg`
>> ?
> No, it's not... I want to capture the messages that scroll by on boot up
> to see what gets done when as the machine boots up. dmesg doesn't even
> come close to matching what goes by then.

Google "serial console".  I suspect you're talking about the messages that 
can NOT be captured on the console, because no facility capable of capturing 
them has yet been started.  You have to reach a certain point in the boot 
process before you can capture anything.

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