MS contributing to Linux

Michael Haney thezorch at
Fri Jul 24 16:04:32 UTC 2009

Linus Torvalds said "Microsoft hate is a disease", but I think he
misses the real issue here.  You have to look at this objectively and
see the facts which speak for themselves.

Microsoft brought all of this on themselves, they created the culture
of hate and distrust of that exists today in the Linux and open-source
community with their unethical, immoral, and often illegal business
practices.  They are a company that has demonstrated nothing which can
lead one to have a feeling of trust.  Time and again, the company has
been a prime example of the evils of Monopoly and how disruptive and
dangerous it can be to an entire industry.  Microsoft even went so far
as to fix debates and bribe officials during the OOXML vs ODF
standards fight, and in the end when OOXML was standardized the
company didn't adhere to that standard in their products.  Their
corporate culture of greed, "dominance at any cost", and a seemingly
insane need to be the only true success story in the PC industry has
been their undoing for decades.  Only recently has their misdeeds
begun to catch up with them.  Hoping to cut off a growing interest of
Linux at the pass and counter increased interest in Apple after they
went with Intel processor, Microsoft rushed the development of Windows
Vista and launched a multi-million dollar marketing program called
"Vista Capable" which later resulted in thousands of new computers
being crippled by an OS with limited functionality.  PC manufacturers
had their hands tied by contractual agreements not to offer any other
operating system but Windows for years, and some still do.  The
company wormed its way into the lucrative netbook market to head off
Linux, actually taking a financial hit by offering Windows XP at
immensely low prices.  And, the company pushed its way into the OLPC
program in order to keep Linux out of the hands of the new generation.
 So, no, the hatred people have for Microsoft is very justified.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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