Procmail rule needed to prevent duplicate list mails?

Amedee @ Ubuntu amedee-ubuntu at
Fri Jul 24 12:02:28 UTC 2009

On Fri, July 24, 2009 13:57, Nils Kassube wrote:

> Then maybe you should fix your mail settings. Remove the reply-to header
> from your mail because then you won't be on the reply-to header of the
> mail sent from the list server. With your present setting you explicitly
> demand a personal copy. Then it isn't polite to complain about those
> duplicate mails, IMHO.

Looks like there is still a problem, because you didn't receive my email
from 13:52 (five full minutes before your email) where I explained that I
had already fixed a configuration cockup in Squirrelmail.


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