Procmail rule needed to prevent duplicate list mails?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Jul 24 11:57:38 UTC 2009

Amedee @ Ubuntu wrote:
> I got this email twice.
> Is it possible to construct a procmail rule that prevents duplicate
> mails? I'm talking about mails that were sent to the list AND to me
> personally. I read the list so a personal reply is usually not
> needed.
> It's just a small annoyance. If I don't see the duplicate mails any
> more, then I won't have to complain about them. That'll save on mail
> traffic.

Then maybe you should fix your mail settings. Remove the reply-to header 
from your mail because then you won't be on the reply-to header of the 
mail sent from the list server. With your present setting you explicitly 
demand a personal copy. Then it isn't polite to complain about those 
duplicate mails, IMHO.


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