Hard drive docking station

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Wed Jul 22 20:33:03 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Hello,
> I was just looking at a new thing to me. It's a hard drive dock for SATA 
> drives. The requirements list windows only operating systems, so I'm 
> wondering if this thing will work with Ubuntu at all? Here is a link to 
> one on sale at Geeks.com
> <http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=EN391&cat=HDD>
> Later, Ray Parrish
another 0.02

Find a dock that supports eSATA...eSATA speeds are just as fast as on 
the ATA bus (3GiB/s).  Most modern SATA controllers will have an eSATA 
port somewhere.

If you're on a lap top and have PCMCIA, there are eSATA cards that 
significantly increase speeds (limiting factor is the PCMCIA bus which I 
think is up to 1.5G/s as opposed to 480K/s on USB 2.0).

Now, if your laptop has an express card slot, get an eSATA express card 
and enjoy close to the full 3GiB/s transfers.

HTH, still more :)


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