Port 25 and Static/Dynamic IP for Listserve SW
Amedee @ Ubuntu
amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Wed Jul 22 18:35:14 UTC 2009
On Wed, July 22, 2009 19:07, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> * your ISP must allow you to host websites on your own computer
>> The last thing will get you in trouble:
> ... from _most_ home ISPs.
I'm forum moderator for a consumer organisation dealing with telco &
internet users, so I know *a lot* about ISPs and their policies.
There are roughly 20 residential ISPs in Belgium (for a population of 10M)
and only one or two of them explicitly allow running your own servers.
They are also very small ISPs, with only a few K or 10K customers. All
others don't allow it.
Belgium really isn't an exception at all, because in the past I have
compared with ISPs in the Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Ireland, USA,
Canada. Most ISPs also do a bit of webhosting on the side. So if you run
your own webserver on their DSL or cable line, then you are actually a
competitor for them. Or they can't get money out of you that way.
Anyway, I'm stepping down from my soapbox now. Back to Linux in general
and Ubuntu in particular. :-)
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