Could not download all repository indexes (was: new to Ubuntu)

Amedee @ Ubuntu amedee-ubuntu at
Wed Jul 22 12:53:43 UTC 2009

> On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 04:21 -0400, Max Brown wrote:
>> I'm not sure if this is where i'm supposed to post questions,

Do not waste your time with an apology.
This IS the correct mailing list for questions.
Don't ask if you may ask a question, just ask your question.

I also fixed the subject line to something more descriptive.

>> but i have
>> found that i can't use the add/remove programs feature because every
>> time i try to update my lists after i hit reload i get an error message
>> "Could not download all repository indexes
>> The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted
>> because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed
>> index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your
>> network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in
>> the preferences."
>> underneath this there is a list of url's
>> if you can help please shoot me an email, it would make this the perfect
>> operating system, if that worked.
>> if this is the wrong place to post shoot me an email and let me know,
>> sorry.

There is no such thing as forgiveness in advance. It's often better to ask
forgiveness afterwards than to ask permission in advance. ;-)

On Wed, July 22, 2009 13:55, Fred Roller wrote:
> How new?  Do you know how to open a terminal software and run commands
> from the command line (cli)?  If not then:
> click on:
> Applications->Accessories->Terminal
> you should see a new window open with a prompt similar to:
> froller at metis:~$
> from here you can run the command as previously suggested:
> froller at metis:~$sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list
> at which point it will ask for a password (your log in password)
> [sudo] password for froller:

sudo is not needed for cat /etc/apt/sources.list
So just 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list' (no quotes) will do.

> at which point a bunch of information will fly by, just scroll back up
> to the password prompt and highlight from their down. Right click and
> "copy".
> paste and post here.  This will let us know if you have everything setup
> correct in the repositories.

More info in:

Also post the output of 'cat /etc/issue' (no quotes).
This will tell us your Ubuntu version.


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