9.04 can't find second hard drive.

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Wed Jul 22 02:27:15 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 20:20 -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:11:32 -0500
> Chris Mohler <cr33dog at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've heard that one can freeze a HD, and it *might* work again for a
> > short while.  I've never had to find out whether or not it works,
> I would never even think of trying this as the resultant condensation
> can do no good for your electronics.  I think it's a  trick to destroy
> more than just the drive.
> Cybe R. Wizard
> -- 
> When Windows are opened the bugs come in.
>     Winduhs

No, this actually works.  Seal the hard drive in a static bag, vacuum
the air out, then stick it in the freezer for ~3-4 hours, and then  plug
it in again.  On occasion, depending on whats wrong with it, the cold
temperature of the drive will allow it to function for a short
while...usually enough time to save some important data.  

Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at aol.com>

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