Web Based Event Planning Software?

Amedee @ Ubuntu amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Mon Jul 20 08:49:35 UTC 2009

           Amichai Rotman schreef:    Hi all,

 I am organizing a Linux event in my home town for the general public. We
are expecting about 300 attendees.

 We are a team of four organizers, each with a specific area of
responsibility. I tried to look for a dedicated Web based application I
could install on a Web server so we can coordinate the team's effort (
resource allocation, etc.) and also use it for the attendees to register,
get info on the schedule, public transportation on the day of the event
and so on - like the ones out there for wedding planners.

 I couldn't find any specific app. Any of you out know if such an app

     I think that you could use Drupal. Someone else already suggested
Joomla, it's similar.
 Drupal and Joomla are Content Management Systems. They are not solutions
for your problem, but frameworks to help you build your own solution.
 In other words, they don't give you a planning software out of the box,
but they are very powerful tools. Look at http://fosdem.org to get an idea
of an Open Source event that has a Drupal-based website.

 Take a look at the various Drupal event modules to get an idea of what
you could do:


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