9.04 can't find second hard drive.

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 21:44:34 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Mark Haney wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> 	Mark if you go back to the beginning it is worse. He didn't tell us it
>> was a new mother board. The new HD is a SATA drive. Perhaps the new
>> mother board BIOS doesn't like IDE any more? He has a 1000 GB new hard
>> drive so I think the best thing to do is just get 9.04 working to his
>> satisfaction.
>> 	Also he has a IDE CD drive. And the old HD is on a data cable as the
>> master or slave no-one can tell. The IDE CD drive I think is always
>> jumpered slave except when someone moves it. Also on NEW IDE things you
>> can jumper them for do not care.
>> 	So lots is not clear.
>> 73 Karl
> Do not, under any circumstances tell me to read the thread. I read it.
> I asked to clear up some ambiguities.
> I am AWARE the new drive is SATA, If you actually read my post, you'd
> bleeding well know that.  (And you presume to tell me to read the thread?)
> And I am much more inclined to think the drive is bad than the BIOS.  It
> obviously has an ATA/IDE slot, so it should detect the drive at the very
> least.  It's not.  We KNOW the BIOS can see the IDE CD-drive, so it's
> not totally BIOS related.  As I've said before, I've rarely ever seen
> BIOS fail like that.  And certainly not in the last 5 years.  Doesn't
> mean it's not possible, just not likely.  I'm of the mindset that the
> drive failed somehow. (And static discharge is a good place to start
> even if it's not likely either.
> So, you really think it's best that he ignore the old drive issues and
> just carry on like it never happened?  Have you even considered the fact
> that if the BIOS is bad that maybe, just maybe, there will be other
> issues with the MB down the road?  That the BIOS will suddenly fail
> outright?  What kind of advice is that?
	You can't have it both ways. Either the solution you like or mine. At
least mine lets him get on with it.

73 Karl

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	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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