9.04 can't find second hard drive.

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 20:13:45 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Accessys at smart.net wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Accessys at smart.net wrote:
>>> just recently upgraded from SUSE 10.0 to Ubuntu 9.04
>>> everything works fine but no matter how I set things the system can't
>>> find the second hard drive (the old main SUSE drive)
>> 	I assume old main SUSE drive is a "IDE" type of drive.
> old drive is IDE
> new drive is SATA
> shouldn''t matter
>>> pretty sure it is not even finding it in BIOS which is confusing since
>>> that should be a problem, it is finding a CD drive that is on the same
>>> cable.

	That it finds the CD drive means nothing. My Mother board BIOS was new
when the stupid SATA drives came out. It does a TERRIBLE job with SATA
drives. You may be having this problem.

	Do this: remove the power to your SATA drive and the CD drive, ie:
unplug the power plugs. Then turn on and look at bios. You should see
your IDE hard drive now.

73 Karl

>> 	Yes! If the BIOS does not show that drive it means you will never find
>> it! The first step is to find out what is wrong. Make sure the big flat
>> cable is connected at the hard drive and the mother board. Make sure the
>> hard drive is running. Now check BIOS and see if the hard drive is there.
> that's the part that has me confused,.  I have two drives on that
> cable, the hard drive AND a CD drive which is the drive I used to load
> Ubuntu from.... if finds the CD fine.
> the hard drive does run I hear it spin up if I listen hard enough.
> have changed the cables and have switched the positions of the plugs
> on the drives....
> can't understand why the BIOS doesn't see it though.
> Bob
> -
> end
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- --

	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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