Does sources list mess require fresh install

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Jul 17 14:03:02 UTC 2009

LL Phillips wrote:

> deb intrepid main
> deb-src http:/ intrepid
> main

I know this isn't going to help your current situation, but my advice is to:

1) Never add lines like this to /etc/apt/sources.list - create a new file 
named /etc/apt/sources.list.d/canta.list (the .list suffix is necessary).  
Now you can disable it again by renaming it to anything that doesn't end in 
.list (eg, canta.list.ignore).

2) Are you ever going to compile this software?  If not, don't add deb-src 
lines.  I see on the devel lists there's finally a consideration of turning 
them off by default.

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