what app do i want so i can install and run AOL and WOW

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at vangasse.eu
Wed Jul 15 23:44:45 UTC 2009

On Tue, July 14, 2009 23:42, LupineMaster at comcast.net wrote:
> I'm new to ubuntu like i just got my computer today and i stumble on
> getting my wireless card to work. >.> Not a clue how i did that any who...
> i could really use a hand from someone with alot of know how. Please
> contact me via E-mail directly@ LupineMaster at comcast.net or
> AbyssalElder at aol.com/aim

Hi there!
I think that you are new to mailing lists. You don't need to give your
email address. Everything that is sent to the list, will also end up in
your mailbox, as long as you are subscribed. It is also bad netiquette to
ask for private replies. I assume that you didn't know that.

About your wireless card, start with this document:
and if you have problems, read this:
and if you still have problems, post back to the list with a lot of
details about what you have tried and what didn't work.

About AOL, I assume that you mean the chat network?
I'd suggest Pidgin. It is a multi-protocol IM client: it supports AIM,
ICQ, MSN, Jabber, Gtalk,...
More info here: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#UsingPidgin

About WOW: is that short for World of Warcraft? In that case, start here:

Hope this helps.

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