pdftotext does not handle "fi"

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de
Mon Jul 13 07:30:19 UTC 2009

ATN: Mail-Followup-To: set, you should have asked this question on

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 19:23 -0400, Justin Hale wrote:

> Hello I'm using the latest version of Ubuntu Linux for my old Sony
> Vaio and new Sony Vaio.  When I try to convert a large pdf file to
> text I get the "fi" characters converted to one character instead of
> two and the displayed results are inconsistent.

'fi' as single character is a ligature; cf


> Sometimes the character looks like "fi" and sometimes it looks like
> a diamond depending on whether or not I'm using GUI or the tty1,
> respectively.  ~~ Justin

Note the box at the top right corner.

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