jaunty ati video driver and direction of LTS

Jay Daniels tux at myt60.net
Mon Jul 13 04:27:57 UTC 2009

Back inside Hardy now and feel safe.

Yuck, I did not like the direction jaunty is going.  Video problem
plagued my lenovo T60.  HTML form check boxes would get squiggly lines
under them.  Move the mouse over the check box and it would disappear
and then return at random.  Memory leak?  Open source vid driver works
fine in Hardy.

In any case, the Human theme even looked like it had different colors
and I couldn't stand the candybar (barber pole) progress indicators.  I
got vertigo looking at the jaunty default wallpaper @  Evolution fonts
appeared much large and ugly in Jaunty too.  Appear excellent in 8.04
and earlier.

Furthermore, it's one thing to have the latest updated software, but do
you have to change everything around with each release?  Moving pidgin
status into logout button, what the heck is that suppose to gain?

Why replace Pidgin in next release?  I know it doesn't do video very
well or transfer files on most networks, but for instant message chat,
Pidgin simply works.

Well I have probably reinstalled as much as anyone here and there comes
a time when you find something that works, stick with it.  Hardy desktop
is good for another year or two I suppose.  After using Jaunty, I'm
sticking with 8.04.

Not the latest netbeans, but the installer from sun will install these
latest tools inside ~/ on Hardy, so no drawback here.

I just wanted to state my opinion I guess, that too many changes is not
so good for LTS users.  I'm getting to the point in life where I don't
like change very much and I hope that the next LTS release is not like
the current Jaunty at all.

And what the heck happen to the gimp?  I couldn't even use the new
version!  I mean it was like a completely different program.  I don't
know what's up with the gimp developers but there they go changing a
perfect image editor.

note: when I install mutt in jaunty, it wanted to install exim4 and slew
of other stuff, why?  I use msmtp (no daemon) and fetchmail.


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