invoking scripts from rc.local

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Jul 12 07:02:26 UTC 2009

Admin wrote:
> I am trying to start located in my personal homedir
> from /etc/rc.local but the Simplify server never starts and there is
> no error message.  Any clues what i need to check and/or why this is
> happening and how I can auto execute the Simplify server upon reboot?
> --- rc.local ---
> #!/bin/sh -e
> #
> cd /home/homey/simplifymedia
> ./
> exit 0

Is the script executable? If it isn't, use

chmod +x /home/homey/simplifymedia/

or use

sh ./

in your script. Furthermore you could redirect the output of your script 
to a logfile like this:

./ >./ 2>&1

That would log the output and error-output of the script and maybe you 
get a clue from that.

Finally, as the script is located in your home directory, I suppose you 
don't intend it to run as root. Try to run is as a normal user like 

su homey ./


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