WS-UL220G USB 2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter in Dell Inspiron 700m laptop

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Fri Jul 10 14:13:15 UTC 2009

Hi I purchased some of these usb network adaptors off of ebay (new).

(BTW, I can't select most of the text on that page - in firefox or
Epiphany - even with scripting (noscript) disabled. What the f#ck is
going on here ??? And yet I view page source, and I can read the text.
Seems like dodgy shite that browser should disallow from happening, if
ever I saw dodgy shite!)

Back to this usb ethernet adaptor:

Now I used it first briefly on the day I received them in the post, and
I seem to remember that it worked just fine although at only 8MByte/s

Now, over the last few hours, I've tested under the following kernels
(Ubuntu 8.04), and I can't seem to make it work:


I've been viewing syslog as I conduct each test, de-configuring the
internal network device (set them all to static in my
/etc/network/interfaces, and turned off "auto", so that network manager
wouldn't keep screwing me over), double checked ip addresses and routing
table on each attempt.

I can confirm that networking does work just fine (manual ip assignment
and routing table setup) for the built in network device, eth0.

I've tried two different such usb devices, each identical as far as I
can tell. One of those devices is the one that I (believe I) tested some
weeks back, and had sitting ready to be deployed. Damn things don't work
at all now and it's got me firetrucked!

Any ideas?

I'm happy to conduct tests to help find the problem.


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