OT Chrome OS next year

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jul 9 21:53:41 UTC 2009

james mcm wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>LOL!  And just what platforms are those servers using?  In fact, most web
>>services I work with are Free Software, as are the software they run on.
> What servers they are running on is irrelevant - the web applications
> themselves are not Free Software as the source is usually obfuscated 

Not my experience, and the server really is relevant.  I'm talking about Web 
Services platforms (particularly coming to mind are the various services 
from the Open GIS consortium) that are Free.  I know that the Google 
services _aren't_ Free, but that doesn't mean that it applies to anywhere 
near a general case.

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