rip dvd to hard drive

Chris Jones jonesc at
Wed Jul 8 13:59:26 UTC 2009

Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Yes, my mistake.  I thought I read it was 8.10.   But
> $ cat /etc/lsb-release
> Am I at a dead end unless I upgrade?  

As far as Handbrake is concerned, yes. Unless you wish to try compiling 
from source (not that hard...). Maybe if you search around on the web 
you could find some kind soul who has made a 8.04 deb already ...

However, I still have a suspicion that your apt sources are not quite 
correct. 8.04 *should* have things like transcode and dvd::rip, so the 
fact you don't see them is strange....

cheers Chris

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