No good CD-Rom copy software (fwd)

Res res at
Mon Jul 6 22:49:15 UTC 2009

Thanks Jorg, this only confirms mine and others suspicions..

Oli, and others: forwarded to the list so you dont have to wait a week for 
the mod to approve the post.

So, Oli, what has Ubuntu got to say about this....., also please CC Jorg
directly in Emails reference this issue (as he is not a member of this list).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 23:25:46
From: Joerg Schilling <Joerg.Schilling at>
To: ubuntu-users at, res at
Subject: Re: No good CD-Rom copy software

Res <res at> wrote:

> Well, then lets hear Jorgs point of view on this...
> I will gladly report his reply to the list if he says thats OK, given he
> is not a member so you wont have to wait a week for the mod to see and
> approve his post to the list.
> Jorg for your reference, the stated reason was linked to in an earler
> reply I've already deleted, but this is the archive that they pointed to:

Just a note, this does not contain not an official statement from Eben
Moglen, there is only a POV claim from Mark Shuttleworth and this is
definitely wrong :-(

Eben Moglen did tell me in several private mails that there is no license problem
with cdrtools. Moglen send me even mail that explains why the claims about the
so-called GPL CDDL incompatibility as found on the FSF websites are wrong.

I am sure that Moglen will never make a public claim that could support the
statement from Mark Shuttleworth.

Note that The Sun legal department did make a full legal review on the cdrtools
project and did not find any license problem.

Note that the book from an independend lawyer (Lawrence Rosen - the lawyer of
the OpenSource Inittiative) wrote a book on OSS licenses that explains the GPL
in a word level granularity (see: and
that explains why none of the claims made by the  non-cooperative Debian
package maintainer that initated the dispute is valid.


  EMail:joerg at (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
        js at                (uni)
        joerg.schilling at (work) Blog:

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