System just turned off

marc gmane at
Sun Jul 5 09:22:35 UTC 2009

Wade Smart wrote:

> 20090704 0904 GMT-5
> Just a few minutes ago I lost control of my computer.
> I was watching a dvd and I started Google Earth to look up a location. 
> Google Earth came up, I saw Thunderbirds email notification in the 
> bottom corner pop up, then the screen went blank and my monitor turned 
> on a off about 8 times. Not the screen, but that little ticking sound 
> you hear when a monitor gets a signal from the pc. I finally had to kill 
> the machine and reboot.
> I just sent through the syslog and this is the only thing I see today 
> that might be odd:
> Jul  4 08:58:12 wadesmart init: tty4 main process (5050) killed by TERM 
> signal

I had this happen on 9.04. Turned out to be overheating caused by the
video driver regressions in Jaunty. I was streaming a TED video at full
screen. Never happened on previous versions, and I'm avoiding that
scenario until the video issues are fixed.

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