How to upgrade Ubuntu from desktop edition to Server edition

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jul 2 18:32:43 UTC 2009

On 07/02/2009 11:11 AM, John Hubbard wrote:
>> From: NoOp <glgxg at> On 06/27/2009 07:37 AM, vishal
>> nemade wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Greetings!
>>> I have installed Ubuntu Desktop edition 9.04. But I need Server
>>> edition. How can I upgrade Ubuntu from desktop edition to Server
>>> edition or is there any way I can install Server on Ubuntu
>>> Desktop edition. I tried to search the forum but couldn't find a
>>> perfect answer.
>> $ sudo tasksel install lamp-server
> I missed the OP so maybe I didn't see the part where they requested a
> lamp-server but it doesn't sound like they are looking for a lamp
> server so much as ubuntu server edition.  Someone PLEASE correct me
> if I am wrong here but I thought that the difference between the two
> was 1) installed software and 2) kernel choice.  To get 'server'
> edition up and running the OP would need to install the server kernel
>  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.XX-XX-server After the server
> kernel is installed edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make sure the the
> server kernel is the default and then reboot.  The system will now be
> using the server kernel and programs can be added or removed to suit
> the OP's needs.
> -john

Good catch... thanks.

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