Ubuntu 8.4 problem

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 17:56:26 UTC 2009

Ray Leventhal wrote:
> For the first time I played around with Virtualbox last night and I'm 
> still giddy with how easy it was to install, run and use.
> The defaults worked flawlessly on my Dell Inspiron 9400/E1705 - where I 
> wasn't sure of values, I took the suggested ones and in minutes I had a 
> suitable virtual machine.  Loading that dreaded M$ operating system from 
> my original (licensed) disk was a breeze and I'm very pleased to say 
> I've now found my way to eliminate hard-M$ on any of my machines.
> For my .02, Virtualbox is a simple, easy to use, fast solution to 
> running M$Win on any machine full time.
> --R
Q.E.D. - Q//uod Erat Demonstrandum :-)


Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng.
São Paulo - Brazil

email: lmnicolosi at gmail.com
phone: 55 11 8272 6512

Linux Registered User #481505

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