: Ubuntu 8.4 problem - 'Grandmaw Linda"

Linda Webb webbsway at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 22:02:06 UTC 2009

I just wanted to update you wonderful folks on my struggle. I did
manage to pull off downloading Wine ! YEA!  and I did manage to use
Wine to open my Windowsxp cd and it pulled up the Installation page -
where it said checking for components. Then it hung up. I left it
while I opened a package and then ( I am dieing to know this also)
sometimes when I am doing something  a black page comes up with white
letters that says Constructing Molecules, and then it is frozen . One
time I left it till the next day to see what kind of molecules it was
constructing - but it wouldn't do anything and I had to manually turn
it off.

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