Ubuntu 8.4 problem

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 29 16:30:51 UTC 2009

On 01/29/2009 03:51 AM, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> Avi Greenbury wrote:
>> Yes, but I generally feel the need to warn people that, though it's not 
>> enforced currently, the Windows EULA for an OEM CD only allows the 
>> reinstallation onto the hardware with which the CD was distributed - not 
>> a virtualised set of hardware.
>> --
>>  > Avi Greenbury
>>  > http://aviswebsite.co.uk
>>  > http://aviswebsite.co.uk/asking-questions/
> Sad but true, and yet another good reason to use Linux. If only her 
> software could run on Wine...
> L.

I do not see that she has tried Wine..

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