Best Motherboard for Ubuntu

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Jan 29 14:17:32 UTC 2009

Alex Janssen wrote:
> I need reliable motherboards for Ubuntu at work.  I know this will all 
> be opinions, but what else do we have?
> What motherboard is generally rated to work best with Ubuntu?  Is there 
> a web site with such a rating?  I need to plug 'em in, install and move 
> on without a lot of hassel to get video and network working.  The 
> network seems to be ok most of the time, but video is trouble sometimes.
> Anyone have general guidelines for picking a MB for Ubuntu?
> Thanks for your input,
> Alex
    The usual problem board is one that has a video hardware not well 
supported by Ubuntu. For example I had trouble with nVidia hardware but 
Ubuntu now has fixed it. I have a new Intel on my laptop and had to load 
8.10 because it has the newer drivers needed.

    What I would do Alex is buy the motherboard you like for other 
reasons like Bios or speed and order one. Work with it and get Ubuntu 
working like you want it. Then when successful order the rest knowing 
how to do it :-)



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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