Fwd: need help to learn installing

Amit raichura amit.j.raichura at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 14:33:05 UTC 2009

------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Amit raichura" <amit.j.raichura at gmail.com>
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com.
Subject: need help to learn installing
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 19:38:38 +0530

hi all,

       I am very new to use linux/ubuntu, though i dont know about anything
to work with ubuntu 8.1.  I am facing problem to connecting my pocket pc
with ubuntu as there is no any active sync. is available for linux though
i did search and found synce source file but I dont know how to install
it.  as per windows experiance if we double click on 8.exe file it will
run us to installing file but in this case *.tar.gs file which i have
downloaded its totally diffrant and I dont know how to install it or
compaile it to convert it in the form of application/software.

       help me in basic stap as this is my ABCD...of ubuntu/linux.

With regards

For M/s Superon Schweisstechnik India Ltd
Amit Raichura
E-mail:- amitraichura at superonindia.com

Web sites: www.oerlikon-welding.com and www.superonindia.com.

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