Best File System for Multimedia Files Storage

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Wed Jan 28 09:20:39 UTC 2009


I have a 160G HDD with the following specs (output of  *hwinfo --disk*):
21: IDE 01.0: 10600 Disk
  [Created at block.222]
  Unique ID: DQI9.Q90kRm4Zwu7
  Parent ID: w7Y8.Ds0ASHoxYT0
  SysFS ID: /block/sdb
  SysFS BusID: 0:0:1:0
  SysFS Device Link:
  Hardware Class: disk
  Model: "Hitachi HDS72161"
  Vendor: "Hitachi"
  Device: "HDS72161"
  Revision: "P22O"
  Serial ID: "PVD300Z5R20NPK"
  Driver: "ata_piix", "sd"
  Driver Modules: "ata_piix"
  Device File: /dev/sdb
  Device Files: /dev/sdb,
  Device Number: block 8:16-8:31
  Geometry (Logical): CHS 19457/255/63
  Size: 312581808 sectors a 512 bytes
  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
  Attached to: #4 (IDE interface)

I intend this drive for all my multimedia content (music, and video files).
I do not intend to do any real time ripping (like recording from a capture
device). This drive will serve as an archive that will be organized and
accessed on a daily basis.

What I would like to know is: which is the best file system (and the tools /
syntax) to use to format this drive.

Currently it is formated as an EXT3 FS and totals 149G. I am guessing it is
possible to use a different FS while optimizing the performance with the
right options to the format command...



Amichai Rotman

UIN#: 6401746
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