iptables log?

Knute Johnson knute2009 at www.knutejohnson.com
Mon Jan 26 05:19:21 UTC 2009

Steve Flynn wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Knute Johnson
> <knute2009 at www.knutejohnson.com> wrote:
>> My iptables log shows
>>  From ???.???.???.??? - 686 packets to igmp(0)
>> The address is my router.  What is an igmp packet and why would my
>> router be sending them to my server?
> It's your router attempting to discover other multicast devices in the networks.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Group_Management_Protocol

Thanks for the info.  This is a fairly simple router and I can't find a 
switch to turn off that feature.  I certainly don't need that working as 
this network doesn't ever change.


Knute Johnson
knute2009 at www.knutejohnson.com

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