Modify an existing PDF file

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Fri Jan 23 13:22:35 UTC 2009

2009/1/23 Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>:
> Loïc Grenié wrote:
>> 2009/1/22 Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>:
>> [snip]
>>>        There is a problem with Scribus, it will not allow a PDF file to
>>> be loaded into it. Through experimentation I learned Scribus will take a
>>> .PS file into it and this is where Evince comes in.
>> [snip]
>>      If you want to load file.pdf into scribus, you can also do a symbolic
>>   link pointing to your file.pdf and ask scribus to load it "as a
>>   ps file". I usually do it from a command line, in that case it is
>> ln -s file.pdf
>>   but it can be done with any File Manager (although I don't know how...)
>>   This trick does not work for all files  (gs just died on one pdf file I
>>   tested), but I think it will work for most (all those that gs can process).
>>          Just my 2 eurocents,
>>              Loïc
>    That is cute, and not sure why Scribus is fooled. My method is
> slightly longer but both packages are used as they were made to work.

   Because scribus use the extension to determine the "type" of the
  file (which is, I my not so humble opinion, wrong). When it sees a
  file ending with ".ps" it calls gs to translate it to a format scribus
  likes. gs on the other hand uses the first four characters of the
  file to determine its type (independently of its name) and when
  it sees a pdf files (starting with %PDF) it interprets it as pdf,
  otherwise as postscript.


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